Women of Renewal

Everything deserves respect and an opportunity to develop itself to its fullest potential. This can be achieved most effectively when the forces of our lives are in balance. Imbalance causes stress and a system in stress must compensate for that stress. This is the way of nature, whether it occurs in an ecosystem or a test tube or someone's life. My body and mind are ecosystems in themselves and need to be kept in balance. This balance is not a steady state, but a fluid, living thing that requires adjustments from time to time.

These images I have created are a way for me to realize the balance I need to create. They also help me to pay more attention to my own femine form - a part of me I constantly pretend does not exist. Call me a prude, but I feel that some of the following images should not be viewed by children.

The Dance of Balance

Strength and Gentleness
Openess and Mystery
Mercy and Justice
Nature and Technology
Fantasy and Reality
Balance of Activity
Triangle of Giving
Balance of the Elements

©1999 Lady Fribble