- "There is something wrong with (X)."
- "You are part of (X)."
- "(Y) is a well-known fact of life or easy skill."
- "You should feel very guilty and ashamed."
- Remember that (Y) is bait. Ignore it and address the presuppositions.
- One good response: "The idea that ... {refer to the (X) presupposition} ... is
a rather ... {choose appropriate adjective - common, interesting, typical}
one, but I'm surprised to hear it from you."
- Example:
- "Even a woman ought to be able to change a flat tire, you know."
- "Women are not as capable as men." (Blamer Mode)
- "You are a woman." (Blamer Mode)
- "Therefore, you should feel very guilty and ashamed." (Blamer Mode)
- Possible Response:
- "The opinion that women are somehow inferior to men id a rather common
one--but I'm surprised to hear it coming from you, darling." (Computer Mode)
- Another Example:
- "Even a nurse ought to be able to tell that I'm really in pain!"
- "Nurses are not real health care professionals." (Blamer Mode)
- "You are one." (Blamer Mode)
- "Therefore, you should feel very guilty and ashamed." (Blamer Mode)
- Possible Response:
- "You're undoubtedly right, and I'm going to do something about it as quickly
as possible." (Computer Mode)
- "I'm sorry . . . I guess I'm not being very pleasant." (Leveler Mode)
- "Anybody who is in a lot of pain is likely to be a little bit on edge.
No problem." (Computer Mode)